How to get to Snakepit
General info
Snakepit 2024 takes place on the 2nd of November at the Klokgebouw in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Public transport
Don’t feel like being the designated driver? You can also get to Snakepit by public transport. You can take the train to Eindhoven Central Station. From there, it’s a 20 minute walk to the Klokgebouw. You can also travel to the Eindhoven Strijp-S station. This is next to the Klokgebouw. Need to catch the first train back home? The last trains leave Eindhoven Strijp S between 00:00-01:00 AM and Eindhoven Central Station between 00:30-01:30 AM.
Be well prepared for your journey and use the ‘NS Reisplanner’ or ‘9292’. Use these tools to find out if there are any constructions on your route. Please note that the last train from Eindhoven could be very busy. We recommend to not catch the very last train in order to get to your destination.
Shuttle buses
There is no shuttle bus service between Eindhoven Central Station and the Klokgebouw. The event is located within walking distance from the train station.
Organized bus tours
Looking for an easy and comfortable way to travel to Snakepit within the Netherlands? Check Eleven Travel for your desired bus trip.
Traveling internationally? Our official bus partners organize bus tours throughout The Netherlands and Europe, including most Dutch airports. Check this list to find an organized bus tour in your city/country. It’s also possible to organize your own bus tour via our official partners.
Private touringcar
Organizing your own bus trip to the event? You can get off the bus across the street from Klokgebouw Eindhoven. The drivers will then be able to park the touringcars on ‘Achtseweg Zuid’ and (if they want to wait near the venue) walk back across the pedestrian bridge in front of the train station. You don’t have to buy parking tickets for private touringcars.
Please sign up your touring car here.
Are you traveling to Snakepit 2024 by car? Driving to the Klokgebouw with GPS, use the following address: Klokgebouw 50 5617 AB Eindhoven. Turn your navigation system off once you see the yellow ‘Snakepit’ traffic sign, these will point you in the direction of the event site.
Strijp-S, the site where the Klokgebouw is located, has various parking facilities. You can see which parking facilities are available and where the entrances are located and the prices with this link.
Kiss & Ride
Will you be dropped off and/or picked up? Lucky you! Your driver can drop you off and pick you up at the designated ‘Kiss & Ride’ location. This is clearly signposted and is easily accessible for visitors as well as drivers.
If you’re traveling to Snakepit by taxi, make sure the driver follows the ‘Taxi’ signs to the taxi stand. When you leave the event, there are taxis at the special rank. You can find the taxi stand by following the signs.
Are you living close by and will you hop on your bike or scooter? Park your bike or scooter at the designated bicycle storage. You can find the bicycle storage by following the signs.
In conclusion
However you choose to travel to Snakepit, travel safely. If you’ve had a few drinks, you are likely to overestimate the extent to which you’re still able to drive. You should know though, that you’re a danger to yourself and other road users. Make sure you’ll be able to get home safely. Never get into a car with someone who is not sober. Get yourself a sober driver, call a cab, find yourself a hotel, ask someone to come and pick you up or use public transport.